Thank you for visiting Englewood's Prayer Wall and for praying for the requests below. We believe in the power of prayer to transform our hearts, lives, homes and beyond.
Gloria Byers
Please continue pray for my grandsons, Andrew and Bryson. Their father recently passed away and it is a very hard time for them. Please pray for God to be glorified through this and that they will know Him and see Him through it all.
Received: November 13, 2024
Pernell Ingram
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) is a student-led club, just starting at Knightdale HS this year. I have been asked to help in advising our student leaders. Please pray for this awesome ministry in our public schools.
Also, please pray for two of our FCA members who have been hospitalized in the past few weeks in reference to self harm. One was released yesterday and one is still in the hospital. The student released from the hospital is one of my students.
Satan cannot have our babies.
Received: November 10, 2024
Gwen Chase
Please pray for me. The results of my last CT scan showed small nodules measuring 6mm or less in my lungs. They are too small to biopsy. Also there is new soft tissue where I had my last surgery.
My doctor is changing my infusion meds to a stronger dose that I will receive every three weeks starting November 19.
I will be having another MRI of my brain on December 2.
Received: November 9, 2024
Tony & Gina Morris
Please pray for Finnley Williford and his family. He was born prematurely and has several health complications.
Received: November 8, 2024
Sachiko Baber
Please pray for wisdom as we seek a treatment for lung cancer.
Received: November 8, 2024
Please pray that I will have a desire for the Lord and that I will spend time with Him even in the moments that I don't have that desire.
Received: November 7, 2024
Rasheeda Lloyd
Please pray for me as I deal with side effects from medication.
Received: November 7, 2024
Cresenti Williams Burgess
Please pray for me as I learn to let go of things and family so that God can use me more fully
Received: November 7, 2024
Donna Price
Please pray for me in the loss of my daughter and separation from husband.
Received: November 7, 2024
Please continue to pray for my digestive issues. The ultrasound showed possible gall bladder issues, but nothing else was found to be the cause of my pain and nausea. I had a CAT scan yesterday and am waiting for those results. My surgeon appointment is next week. Please pray the nausea and pain will subside so that I can eat without feeling so sick. We are almost at 3 months of these symptoms, and it is very difficult. I am becoming more and more weak. Thank you!
Received: November 7, 2024
Debbie Vance-Glover
Please pray for Nancy who is healing from brain surgery. Please also pray for a friend of Juan who had a stroke during brain surgery. Pray for our country and that the Lord will heal our families and friends and restore unity and truth. Pray for the restoration of America's people to return to God's will. Please also pray for my family and school year.
Received: November 5, 2024
Jacqueline Bright
Please pray for my strength and health and that I would see improvement in my blood pressure. Please pray for relationships within my family. Please also pray for my employment status to improve and finances to be more stable. Pray for continued strength to be a blessing to others.
Received: November 5, 2024
David O'Brien
Please pray that I will do well in my new career and pray for the safety of my family in New York.
Received: November 5, 2024
Your Choice Resource Center
**Pray God will send three new Client Advocates
**Pray for Wisdom for Cody and Sherrie as we interview candidates for the PT Office Assistant position
**Pray for 30 new female clients
**Pray that abortion would become unthinkable
**Pray for women and men who are post abortive in the church to find healing
Received: November 5, 2024
Gloria Byers
Please pray for my grandsons, Andrew and Bryson. Their father passed away on Thursday and we are all having a really hard time. Please pray for our family.
Received: November 3, 2024
Angie B
Please pray that God's will be done in my life. Please pray that I'm able to find a better housing opportunity and to have a closer relationship with God.
Received: October 30, 2024
Michael Martin
Please continue to pray for my parents and my brother and that they would have a restored relationship through Jesus. Please pray that I am able to accept whatever happens with my family and that God is glorified through all of it.
Received: October 30, 2024
Regina Cherry
Please pray for a better housing opportunity for my family. Please pray that I will continue to seek the Lord and follow Him.
Received: October 30, 2024
Telan Pettaway
Please pray for a better employment opportunity for me. I would also like to have a better understanding of God's word and how to have a closer relationship with Him. Please also pray for a better opportunity for housing.
Received: October 30, 2024
Frank Glover
Please pray for Joyce Neville Cuthrell. They just found out she has cancer in her liver.
Thank you
Received: October 29, 2024
Please pray for a dear sister who is having some un explained pain in her right chest area. She is going through lots of test with no results so far. She has another special scan next week and is waiting on special dye medicine that has to be given by IV and she is very nervous. Please join me in prayers for good news and calm nerves as she waits for results.
Received: October 29, 2024
Gwen Chase
I will be having a CT scan tomorrow at Nash. Please pray that there will be no melanoma.
Received: October 29, 2024
Vickie Bain
Pray for my SIL, Debra. She has been diagnosed with Large B cell lymphoma, which is a form of blood cancer. The positive thing is that it is treatable and curable, if she can stay strong and healthy, the prognosis is good. She has already started chemo. Thank you for your prayers.
Received: October 25, 2024
Brenda Thibodeau
Donna Flora, my cousin from Melbourne Florida has chosen to answer God's call to become a missionary to Peru. She will be going to IMB training during the last week of October. Donna has retired and knows God is calling her to a 3 year commitment. Please pray for her as she accepts God's call. Pray for her six children.
Received: October 22, 2024
Martin Family
Please pray for my brother and my parents. My parents are going through a divorce and both my brother and parents have criminal charges brough against them. Please pray for healing from the pain and the mistakes that have been made. Pray they will let Jesus in and that his healing and mercy will be allowed to come in. Pray that my father and brother come to Christ and that my mother is able to continue to hold fast to Jesus.
Received: October 22, 2024
Debbie Vance-Glover
Please pray for Bill and Linda Evans. Pray for healing and strength for Bill as he enters a nursing home for rehabilitation.
Please pray for Melissa whose son passed away from a brain tumor.
Please pray for Jacob Tyler-Hall who has been diagnosed with a mass on his brain.
Please pray for Nancy 's healing after surgery for a brain tumor.
Please pray for my mom, dad and brother's salvation.
Please pray over our classroom this year, that there would be lots of love, learning and laughter.
Received: October 22, 2024
Please pray for Tommy Sykes who is having surgery to remove melanoma. The surgery is scheduled for October 25. Please pray for healing and recovery and that the cancer has not spread to any other parts of his body.
Received: October 21, 2024
Gwen Chase
Please pray for me I am going to Chapel Hill October 21 for my infusion.
Received: October 21, 2024
I’m asking for continued prayer that God would deliver me from spiritual oppression from past New Age involvement that I’ve repented of. Please pray that I would be set free. Please pray for my freedom.
Received: October 14, 2024
Debbie Vance-Glover
Please pray for Ms. Nancy who is moving out of a nursing home to live with her brother in North Carolina. Pray that she will have good care and live in a safe and happy environment.
Please pray for the Melissa in the passing of 32 year old son. He also left behind a 6 year old daughter.
Please pray peace and comfort for my dad. He is in a nursing home and dealing with major life changes.
Please pray for love, learning and laughter throughout the school year.
Received: October 9, 2024
Kayla Jones
Please pray for guidance from the Lord as my husband is looking for a new job. Prepare his heart and mind to listen to where the Lord would have him and to have faith to trust him and go where we are called.
Received: October 9, 2024
Matt was released at the end of September, and so far he has not attempted contact with his son. Please pray for Matt's salvation, that he will stay clean and sober and become a great co-parent with his ex-girlfriend who has sole custody. Please pray neither Matt nor his family will have a negative impact on his son due to the alcohol and drug use in that family. Please pray for protection for his son and his son's mom.
Received: October 9, 2024
I have been having digestive issues with pain in my lower abdomen when I eat, lack of appetite and other symptoms. Please pray the doctors have wisdom and insurance will stop being so picky over which tests are approved. So far only an ultrasound of my gallbladder has been approved, which does not explain the lower abdomen pain. Mercy...
Received: October 9, 2024
Praise God for who He is. Pray for son and gf to know Jesus. Pray Holy Spirit guidance with legal matters. Pray restoration of friendships.
Received: October 5, 2024
Dillard Green
Pray for those in Western NC that are still stranded as a result of the storm. Give them strength and access to basic needs. That rescue efforts and resources would be a focal point of our emergency response agencies. Remove barriers that are preventing our military from helping. Helicopters are desperately needed for search and rescue. Give thanks for the churches and organizations that are there leading relief efforts on the ground.
Received: October 5, 2024
prayers of encouragement for my daughter Rebekah she is overwhelmed and behind in her college classes this semester. Prayers for motivation and focus to catch up and finish the semester strong
Received: October 3, 2024
Betsy Hearn
Dear Englewood Baptist prayer room. I am Betsy Hearn and I have been battling with nonalcoholic liver disease for the last 10 years. About 2 months ago my liver took a big turn. I will be evaluated by the Duke transplant team to see if I qualify for a liver transplant at the end of the month and they will decide if I qualify. If I do I will need to make some major decisions. Please pray for me that I will follow Gods plan for me. I love the Lord with all my heart and the precious people of Englewood. Thank you for your prayers
Received: October 3, 2024
Phyllis Hardy will have eye surgery Thursday Oct 3rd at the Duke Eye Care
in Durham followed by an extended stay with her daughters for a period of limited movement. Please pray for no rejection and no infection
Received: October 2, 2024
1. Pray for those who have lost so much.
2. Pray for the workers that are on the ground assessing the damage.
3. Pray for us to wisely steward our resources in the most helpful way possible now and far into the future as relief efforts continue.
Received: October 1, 2024
Please pray for the family of Gene & Carole Davis in the passing of Gene's sister in law, Carolyn Leigh Cross of St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. Please pray for her husband Robert. Carolyn had been in the hospital on a vent for about a week and a half with pneumonia.
Received: October 1, 2024
Your Choice Resource Center
**Pray for Dads, Moms and children in Western NC who have been affected by the Hurricane.
**Pray for unity amongst staff and board members
**Pray for abortion minded women to find YCRC
**Pray for women who need the APR protocol
Received: October 1, 2024
-Please pray for Bill and Linda Evans to received proper diagnosis and treatment for health issues.
-Please pray for Melissa's son who is having complications with a brain tumor and has been placed back in the hospital.
-Please pray for Ms. Nancy and Mr. Morris's healing from brain tumor surgeries.
-Please pray over the school year that there would be love, laughter and learning.
Received: September 30, 2024
Christy O'Leary
Please be in prayer for my upcoming thyroid surgery scheduled for October 28th at Duke.
Received: September 30, 2024
Please pray for sustainable income for me and for my elderly mom, who is suffering from chronic pain and ill health. Your prayers are much appreciated!
Received: September 30, 2024
Wendy Moody
Please pray for me as I am stuck in Cherokee, NC and do not know when I will be able to go home. I am for two work conferences and I feel really stupid for not leaving Thursday.
I am safe and have what I need. I am blessed in that regard. Whenever the roads open back up, I do have money & gas in my car. However, I am struggling emotionally this morning. I miss my family and want to get back home and stop them from worrying.
Received: September 29, 2024
Candace Roberts
Please pray for everyone impacted by the storm including my son, his wife and her sister that live in Blowing Rock. I haven’t been able to communicate with them since early yesterday morning. They live in an area heavily surrounded by trees and off the main road. The power, WiFi, and internet is down in that area. I asked the sheriff’s department for a welfare check but they have 300 other people on the list before they can check on my son. Thank you for your prayers!
Received: September 28, 2024
Please pray for Scott Braswell. He is at Duke and has been diagnosed with lymphoma caused by anti-rejection meds. Please pray as he starts chemo this week.
Received: September 26, 2024
Please pray for Zola Catherine Sherin. She has pneumonia and has been on a respirator for a week. Thank you
Received: September 26, 2024
Debbie Vance-Glover
Please pray for the salvation of my mom, dad and brothers. Please also pray for Ms. Nancy, Mr. Morris and Melissa's son who are all recovering from surgery. Please pray for Emily as she recovers from double pneumonia. Pray over the school year that we would love, learn and laugh together. Pray for the Lord's guidance with assessments, small groups, reports, and parent/teacher conferences.
Received: September 24, 2024
Melissa Bridgers
Please pray for the family of Shaun Lynch. Shaun was diagnosed with tonsil cancer. He has an appointment on October 6th to start a plan of care. Please pray for wisdom and guidance for the family.
Received: September 24, 2024
Phil Parrish
Please pray for my wife Susan. She has dementia and Alzheimer's disease which is affecting many aspects of our life. Please pray as there is a lot of stress over health issues for both myself and Susan.
Received: September 24, 2024
Judah Calhoun
Please pray for my aunt who was just diagnosed with blood cancer.
Received: September 24, 2024
Gwen Chase
I will be going to Chapel Hill tomorrow, September 24, for my second infusion
therapy. Please pray for me.
Received: September 23, 2024
I’m a new graduate. Please pray for favor with my leaders, endorsement papers for work. Expedited processing. And successful civilian and military career.
Received: September 23, 2024
Florence Chepkoech
I am a freshman student at North Carolina Wesleyan University and I am an international student from Kenya , Africa I am requesting for prayers God to open doors for me that I need to clear my school fees for this semester.
Received: September 19, 2024
**Pray for the successful launch of our new pregnancy and infant loss ministry.
**Pray for God to go before Choices Matter in schools and prepare the way for the truth they will bring.
**Pray we would be able to connect with women who are seeking Abortion Pill Reversal.
**Pray for God to guide the hands of our nurses as they perform ultrasounds.
**Pray the hearts of moms and dads would be drawn to their unborn child.
Received: September 16, 2024
Trish Pittman
Please pray for the AC to be quickly repaired or replaced so the day care can open back up. Pray for all the families that have to find alternate child care. Thank you
Received: September 16, 2024
Peter Valentine
Please pray for healing. Please also pray that if surgery is necessary, it will be affordable.
Received: September 15, 2024
I'm praying for a home as I currently homeless. I need prayer for my relationship with my boyfriend as well as an unspoken request.
Received: September 12, 2024
alvin bradley alston II
to be free from condemnation for 31 days straight. This prayer is made in the name of our very, very precious Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Received: September 11, 2024
Trish Sarmiento
Please pray for Shaun Lynch. He was diagnosed with cancer in the area surrounding his tonsils. Pray also for his wife and children as they go through difficult days ahead. Shaun will be undergoing extensive radiation and chemotherapy.
Received: September 11, 2024
Robin Mowbray
Mary Bryan Fryar broke her leg (femur) and is in the hospital. Please pray for her healing.
Received: September 8, 2024
Please be in prayer for Margaret Bullock and family, in the homegoing of her niece, Janice Lewis.
Received: September 5, 2024
Please pray for my return to The LORD. Please pray that He softens my heart towards Him in humility, repentance and faith. Please pray for healing for my backsliding and body. Please pray The LORD helps me through the trials I am going through. Please pray that He protects me and delivers me from the devil and my enemies. Please pray for my deliverance from any bondages and strongholds and for The LORD to provide for all of my needs. Thank you.
Received: September 4, 2024
Debbie Vance-Glover
Please pray for Ms. Nancy's healing after brain surgery.
Please pray for Mrs. Morris' dad to heal after brain surgery.
Please pray for unity, peace, love, joy, patience and health during the school year.
Please pray for my mom, dad and brothers' salvation.
Please pray for Shyrlyn Parker as she faces some health concerns after an exam.
Received: September 4, 2024
Gary Looker
Pray that God would help me take my eyes off of me and that He would give me a burden for the needs of others.
Received: September 4, 2024
I need prayer for strength. To be able to continue to provide a home for myself and my daughter. To show love to others even when they turn their backs. To give me peace and comfort so that I am able to continue my battle with anxiety and depression. In Jesus name I pray
Received: September 3, 2024
Your Choice Resource Center
**Pray for unity amongst our staff.
**Pray for Pregnancy Centers across the country as they meet for a National Conference in Aurora, CO.
**Pray our staff and volunteers would remain focused on our mission of offering women Christian, compassionate care.
**Pray for our upcoming new volunteer training. Pray those interested would complete and return their applications in a timely manner.
Received: September 3, 2024
Robert Little
That I have gladness in my life and home that I stay drug free that I have for my kids that I learned fast on my job and don't lose it that I get a new car that my prayer life comes back that god lead my footsteps in dealing with my job that I keep my mouth closed
Received: September 2, 2024
Please pray for Francena Crockett. She has been admitted to a hospital in Maryland and is awaiting surgery (date unknown) to remove her gallbladder.
Received: September 1, 2024
Please pray for Janine. She is a pastors wife. She just found out that she has stage 4 thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs. Her and her husband(Gary) are faithfully and successfully serving the Lord. He is the pastor of Christian Fellowship church in Pomona, California(a small growing church). Pray for Gary for guidance as to how to proceed with the medical treatment. Also, pray for Gary and the church he is ministering. They are branching out....moving to another location and praying that the Lord will grow the church. Satan is trying to hinder and even stop their ministry. This could be the reason why his wife is sick. Please pray.
Received: September 1, 2024
Please pray for J, a mom of two children who is in limbo with a messy child-custody case. The dad, who is currently in prison for drunk driving, may be getting out in September and the custody case will begin again. The judge in this case has raised complaints and allegations on social media about the mom's employer, and she is terrified the judge will rule against her because of his negative view of her employer. J is in a really tough situation and scared for her ex to have visitation or partial custody awarded. Will you please pray J will be able to get a good and wise judge to oversee her case and the dad will not seek child custody/visitation until he cleans up his ways?
Received: August 28, 2024
Please continue to pray for Matt, who is serving a sentence for drunk driving. Matt has another charge pending, and the incarceration page shows he may be released in September. Please pray he will get saved and come out of prison clean and sober of alcohol and drugs. He has children who need him to be a good role model if he is in their life. We need some generational curses broken, in Jesus name!
Received: August 26, 2024
Katrina Rogers
PRAY for Danielle! Fly Attentant Out of Raleigh/Durham Airport! She has Cancer!
Received: August 22, 2024
Candace Roberts
This is a praise report! My daughter Lauren Capo had her ultrasound today and there is no longer a cyst showing on her baby’s brain. This is an answer to prayer! Thank you all for your prayers!
And baby Joel is doing well and weighing about 3lbs right now.
Received: August 21, 2024
Praise the Lord for giving D a job, prayed for here. D now happy, getting on well with family, his anger gone.
Thank you for your prayers.
Please pray for salvation for him (D), his partner S and mother L.
I have heart failure, CFS, depression. Very dear dog ill, don't know how serious. I'm being sued, unfairly, for money I don't think I owe. Struggling with faith.
Received: August 20, 2024
Your Choice Resource Center
**Pray for the salvation of our clients.
**Pray for the Holy Spirit to move at YCRC.
**Pray for all our volunteer advocates as they serve women.
**Pray for God to raise up additional Mobile Unit Volunteers.
**Pray for as we seek sponsors for the W/R/L Event in October.
Received: August 19, 2024
Michelle Jeter
Please pray for my family to set a Christian foundation in my home for my child. Please also pray for a career change with better opportunities and better finances.
Received: August 19, 2024
Debbie Vance-Glover
Please pray for Ms. Nancy to recover from surgery.
Please pray for healing for Jim's arm.
Please pray for a close friend to be reunited with family.
Please pray for Mr. Morris who has brain surgery this week.
Please pray for Back to School unity, joy, peace for parents, students and staff. Pray for a productive and efficient 24/25 school year.
Received: August 19, 2024
L is in 70s, has heart and lung problems. Lives with her adult son D and his partner S. D has some personality disorder and a major anger management problem, recently made redundant, cannot find job, lacks skills and transport. Not coping emotionally. His partner S is working, she has bad digestive and other health problems. L and S are barely coping with D's moods and aggression. Whole household at breaking point.
All are unsaved.
I have heart failure, chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. My very precious 15yo dog unwell, don't know how serious. I'm being sued - owner sold garage I rented for storage, put my stuff in small part of his, still demands full rent, disputed and unpaid.
I'm not attending church due to Covid fears, and am backsliding.
Received: August 13, 2024
Chancey Hill
Pray for Brenda Hill who has undergone a complete hip replacement resulting from a fall she incurred on Sunday afternoon. The fracture was in the top part of her femur close to the hip.
Her surgery was Monday afternoon, August 12th.
Received: August 13, 2024
Gwen Chase
My surgery to remove the suspicious lymph node on Tuesday went will. I am just sore
. I received the results today and the melanoma has returned. I will begin infusion therapy beginning August 26 at Chapel Hill.
Received: August 8, 2024
Your Choice Resource Center
**Praise the Lord for all He did for YCRC in July.
**Pray for the unity of our Board of Directors.
**Pray that God would keep the leadership, staff and volunteers from sin.
**Pray for our local Pastors to stand firm on the Christian ethic of life.
**Pray that we would find a timing company for our 5k Run in October
Received: August 7, 2024
I have a special needs son that the devil keeps overtaking. Every time we draw near to God the devil attacks and causes major behavioral events. My prayer request is for God to shield us from the evil one and help my son rebuke the temptation of the demon Satan.
Received: August 7, 2024
Katrina Rogers
Carolyn Hines
Doctor Said She Needed Eye Surgery & Previous Doctor had Recommended Eye Drops. An Eye Exam On Aug. 9th! Asking GOD for NO Surgery!
Received: August 6, 2024
Tammy Hodges
Please pray for the salvation of my two adult sons and their future wives.
Please also pray for Shari Carter who fell and has broken her arm. She is in a great deal of pain.
Received: August 6, 2024
Debbie Vance-Glover
Update: Juan's treatment for mouth cancer is complete. Please pray for complete healing.
Please pray for the healing of Jim's knee and hip. Please pray for Jim's son and kids who have lost their wife and mother.
Please pray for Holly as she heals from surgery.
Please pray for Ms. Nancy's healing from brain tumor surgery.
Please pray for the salvation of my mom, dad and 3 brothers.
Please pray that our friend's marriage would be healed and Jesus would be glorified.
Received: August 6, 2024
Stephanie Sharpe
Please pray for another successful school year for King's Academy staff, students and families!
Received: August 1, 2024
Rocky Mount Your Choice Resource Center
**Pray for spiritual salvation for every client who does not believe the Gospel
**Pray our podcast would reach more Life Partners
**Pray for all of our LIFE Ambassadors as they engage our community
**Pray for the hearts of fathers to be drawn to their children
Received: July 30, 2024
Debbie Vance-Glover
-Please pray for healing for Juan from his chemo, radiation and caner.
-Please pray for Nancy who has a brain tumor and difficult surgeries ahead.
-Please pray for my mom, dad and brothers' salvation.
-Please pray for unity, joy, peace, productivity, love and wisdom at work.
-Please pray for Mrs. Morris' father who has an upcoming surgery for a brain tumor.
Received: July 30, 2024
Please pray for my son Russell that he would be healed mind body soul
and spirit. Pray that he would receive the anointing of the holy
spirit with wisdom, knowledge and discernment to make good Godly
decisions. Pray that he give his life to the Lord and repent of his
sins and be the man and father that the Lord created him to be. In
Jesus Name Amen
Received: July 28, 2024
Please rejoice with me. I have been set free and now clearly see the light. For several years, I sought to blend my love of Jesus and support for a presidential candidate. As I prayed about this, Jesus spoke to my heart and showed me that I must follow his way and reject the violence, hatred and selfishness displayed by the candidate. I pray that someday he will come to a life-saving relationship with The Christ, as I have. Until then, I am so glad for the freedom I claim in Jesus’ Holy Name. May this be true for all believers.
Received: July 28, 2024
Rocky Mount Your Choice Resource Center
** Pray for unconnected churches in our area to be connected to YCRC
** Pray for the Holy Spirit to move at YCRC
**Pray for wisdom for YCRC leadership as decisions are made
**Pray for our school system and our Choice Matters program team as the de-merger takes place
**Pray for women who need the Abortion Pill Reversal Protocol would find YCRC
Received: July 24, 2024
Please pray for me as I am still grieving and working through the loss of my mother in April. I am struggling with depression and alcohol.
Received: July 24, 2024
Gloria Byers
My nephew Clarence Hatfield had a tragic car accident on July 14th. He has been in ICU in Greenville, and is doing better now. I am worried about his salvation, in case he dies I do not know where he will go.
Received: July 21, 2024
Gwen Chase
I will be having surgery on August 6 at Chapel Hill to remove the lymph node that showed on my last CT scan.
Please pray for me.
Received: July 19, 2024
I have chronic heart failure. Yesterday I tried to do something too strenuous but gave up, feeling faint and very weak. Today, only fit for bed, feeling very feeble.
Had been getting more fatigued and inactive anyway before this.
Please pray for healing of heart failure, heart valve leaks, fatigue, depression and partial deafness. I can't go like this.
Also for guidance regarding prescription medicine and natural remedies.