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Share stories of God working in your life.

“One generation will declare your works to the next and will proclaim your mighty acts. I will speak of your splendor and glorious majesty and your wondrous works.”
– Psalm 145:4-5

Wendy Moody

Praise the Lord - I was able to safely make it out of Cherokee! Thank you for your prayers!

Received: September 30, 2024

Candace Roberts

We heard from our son on Saturday. He was able to remove trees and the power line got removed so he could leave the area he lives in. He still doesn’t have power but he and his wife are safe and well. Thank you for the prayers!

Received: September 30, 2024

Gwen Chase

My CT scan results are clear! There is no sign of melanoma!

I will begin infusion therapy of Monday, August 26, to boost my immune system.

Thank you for your prayers.

Received: August 22, 2024


I had posted about my special-needs son having some behaviors roughly just a short while ago. And I am pleased to report that his behavior has significantly turned around. Thank God for that And all those who were led to pray for our situation, I thank you very much.

Received: August 14, 2024

Candace Roberts

They removed my kidney stone this week and placed a stent. The stone was 6mm and was blocking my kidney so this was the source of my pain. Thankfully there doesn’t appear to be any permanent damage. I also was able to have the stent removed this week. I’m very grateful for every prayer, call and text. It’s nice to be part of a church where people truly care. Thank you Englewood!

Received: June 8, 2024

Paulette Tucker

I just want to praise the Lord for sparing the life of my 49 year old niece that suffered not only the widow maker heart attack, on 4/19/24, but multiple other attacks that evening while in the heart cath lab, coupled with her flatlining numerous times and having to be shocked back to life numerous times.

The doctors all say she’s a miracle.

But God!!!

Sadly though, her leg doesn’t have enough circulation to support it, therefore, she’s scheduled for amputation, below the knee, on Saturday.

She’ll have to be taken off her blood thinners, therefore we need prayers that there will be no blood clots, stint holds strong, and bleeding stops.

Her kidneys are still not functioning.

She is still in a critical state.

All prayers are appreciated ️

Received: May 2, 2024

Paulette Tucker

Update on my niece Christy Carringer:

Christy suffered the widow maker heart attack, 4/19/24, at which time the doctors never thought she would survive, and flatlined numerous times.

She was on life support up until a few days ago, on a ventilator, kidneys and liver both stopped functioning, and bleeding throughout her body and receiving 12 transfusions daily.

The praise now is that she’s off life support and off the ventilator. The bleeding has reduced greatly.

She’s recognized family members, and speaking softly now.

She’s aware of all that’s happened over the past 9 days, including the fact that she’ll lose a foot and a portion of the same leg, unless God does a miracle between now and Monday.

We continue to ask God to:

1) continue for her platelets to rise

2) brain scan to come back CLEAR

3) bleeding to completely stop

4) kidneys to function independently

5) God to do wonders with the leg with complete healing or amputation below the knee.

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for praying for my 49 year old niece. ️

Received: April 27, 2024

Inez Perry

Praise Report:

I want to thank the sweet and caring people at EBC who ministered to me and loved on me during the loss of my sister-n-law who was my best friend. Your prayers, cards, comforting phone calls, and visitation attendance were so uplifting. I love my peeps! Inez

Received: February 25, 2024

Debbie Vance-Glover

Mr Winner is healing from emergency surgery. Pray for wisdom for the Dr's and the medical staff. Pray for peace and strength for his family and friends.

Please pray for a friend and family going through separation. Pray for peace, wisdom, strength, discernment. Pray for comfort for the family enduring this trial.

Received: January 2, 2024

Cecila Whitehead

Update 12/31

Cecila had the procedure done, and went to her follow-up appt this past Thursday. Everything looks great. She is recovering at home.

Thank you for your prayers!


Cecila, Linda Jones sister, is sick with pneumonia and her right lung is filled with fluid that needs to be removed by a specialized surgeon in Chapel Hill. They are waiting for a bed to be available to move her there.

Would you please pray for Cecila to be encouraged while her body is just tired, for her to begin to feel better and for some answers to come.

Please pray for a bed to open in God's perfect timing so that she can have this surgery. Pray for the surgery to go well, the fluid to be removed easily and provide answers.

Received: December 31, 2023

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