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Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need. - Hebrews 4:16

Thank you for visiting Englewood's Prayer Wall and for praying for the requests below. We believe in the power of prayer to transform our hearts, lives, homes and beyond.

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Prayed for 14 times.

Global Partners: J&T in South Asia

We have added several new team members to Team Konkan. We continue to work with and coach a team of national partners that is growing also. Please pray that our team would "put on love--the perfect bond of unity. And let the peace of the Messiah, to which we were all called in one body, control our hearts" (based on Col. 3: 14-15) as we co-labor together.

Received: June 20, 2024

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